Friday, February 01, 2013

Worst Coffee Drinks

Worst Chocolaty Coffee Drink
Starbucks Double Chocolaty Chip Frappuccino with Whole Milk and Whipped Cream (Venti)
520 calories
23 g fat (15 g saturated, 0.5 g trans)
350 mg sodium
69 g sugars

Talk about double trouble. Within this chocolate calamity lurks three-quarters of your recommended daily intake of saturated fat, and as much sugar as you’ll find in 10 Rainbow Popsicles! Slash your calorie intake by switching to skim milk and cutting out the whipped cream. Knock the size down to a grande, and switch from the frappe to an iced mocha, and you’re looking at a drink with 350 fewer calories than when you started. Make a switch like that every single day, and you’ll lose about 6 pounds in two months!

Drink This Instead!
Grande Iced Caffe Mocha with Skim Milk (No Whipped Cream)
170 calories
2.5 g fat (1.5 g saturated, 0 g trans)
70 mg sodium
28 g sugars

Worst Seasonal Coffee Drink
Dunkin’ Donuts Iced Gingerbread Latte (large)
450 calories
12 g fat (7 g saturated)
290 mg sodium
68 g sugars

This holiday horror packs a whopping 68 grams of sugar (that's as much as in three and a half Twinkies!) and almost a quarter of your daily calories. (Hope you weren’t planning to eat much today.) To enjoy the same chilly gingerbread coffee flavor, simply swap the latte for iced coffee and drop down a size. Suddenly, you’re looking at nearly half as much sugar and a far more digestible 270 calories.

Drink This Instead!
Iced Gingerbread Coffee with Cream (medium)
270 calories
9 g fat (5 g saturated)
90 mg sodium
36 g sugars

Worst Caramel-Flavored Coffee Drink
McDonalds Caramel Latte with Whole Milk (large)
330 calories
9 g fat (5 g saturated)
210 mg sodium
51 g sugars

This caramel confection hides an unhealthy dose of sugar and an unnecessary amount of calories. But don’t blame the caramel flavoring entirely. Choose the flavored cappuccino instead for a fat-free, lower-calorie, lower-sugar alternative that will hit your sweet spot just the same. When given the choice, always opt for a cappuccino over a latte—they’re made with less milk than lattes, which means they’re lighter, with fewer calories.

Drink This Instead!
Caramel Cappuccino with Skim Milk (medium)
190 calories
0 g fat
150 mg sodium
41 g sugars

Worst Hot Chocolate Drink
Starbucks White Hot Chocolate with Whole Milk and Whipped Cream (venti)
640 calories
28 g fat (18 g saturated, 0.5 g trans)
340 mg sodium
78 g sugars

No one orders a hot chocolate and expects it to be anything but a dessert-like beverage. And certainly you should enjoy the occasional indulgence. But other times try this: Go with 2% milk (which is Starbucks' default unless you specify otherwise) and shave 50 calories from these numbers. Cut the whip and trim another 70. Downsize to a grande and shed 120 more. Or swap to a cinnamon dulce latte, and cut out hundreds of calories while still indulging in a deliciously sweet treat!

Drink This Instead!
Cinnamon Dulce Latte (grande)
210 calories
0 g fat
135 mg sodium
38 g sugars

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