Sculpt and tone your lower body using just your body weight and stretch your muscles from head to toe with these yoga poses from celebrity yoga instructor, Hilaria Baldwin.
The term yoga butt is no joke -- just check out the downward dogs all around you in most any class. "Yoga lets you sculpt, mold, and tone your lower body using just your body weight," notes celebrity yoga instructor Hilaria Baldwin, the creator and model of the six backside boosters on the next slides. And the perks don't stop there, says Baldwin, who famously helped her husband, Alec, get intoshape. "These strengthening moves stretch you too, so you're elongating your muscles at the same time that you're toning them," she explains. Get a lift of your own by doing the exercises for just 20 minutes three days a week.Hammie Twist
Targets butt, hamstrings, quads, and calves
Stand near top of mat with feet together; hinge forward from hips and touch hands to floor a few inches in front of feet, keeping elbows bent.
Lift left leg diagonally behind you toward right.
Bending right knee, swing left knee back down behind right leg toward outside of right knee.
Extend left leg behind you again as you straighten right leg; repeat.
Do 10 reps, switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
MAKE IT HARDER: Touch left knee to right ankle.
Revolve Lunge
Target shoulders, arms, abs, butt, hamstrings, quads, and calves
Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms overhead, palms in. Step left leg back, lifting heel; keep both legs straight.
Bend right knee 90 degrees while twisting torso to right; bring left arm forward to shoulder height and reach right arm behind you. Hold for 5 counts.
Twist torso back to center; raise arms while straightening right leg. Repeat. Do 3 sets of 10 reps per side.
Booty Blaster
Targets back, butt, hamstrings, and inner thighs
Lie facedown with legs hip-width apart. Extend arms behind back, interlacing fingers. Lift chest and legs off floor, pointing toes.
Maintaining lifted position, close legs together, then quickly open legs; repeat.
Do 3 sets of 20 reps.
Dolphin Kick
Targets shoulders, abs, and quads
Start in plank position, balancing on mat on forearms and toes, elbows directly under shoulders; keep hips lifted slightly.
Bend knees to almost touch floor, then return to start.
Do 3 sets of 10 reps.
MAKE IT EASIER: Alternate bending left and right knees.
Saddlebag Scorcher
Targets butt and outer thighs
Begin on all fours, knees under hips and hands under shoulders. Place left forearm on floor so that left hand is perpendicular to right hand; twist torso slightly to the right and lift right leg just off floor.
Keeping right knee bent 90 degrees throughout, raise right leg out to hip height. Lower leg under hip without letting it touch floor; repeat.
Do 20 reps, switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
MAKE IT EASIER: Bring leg only 45 degrees out to side.
Targets butt, hamstrings, outer thighs, and calves
Start in downward dog: Get on all fours on mat, then tuck toes under and press hips back and up toward ceiling as you walk feet back a few steps to form an inverted V,balancing on palms and feet; keep heels on floor.
Maintaining inverted-V position and keeping elbows locked, lift right foot off mat and extend behind you, foot flexed, forming a straight line from head to heel.
Turn toes to the right and bring right leg directly out to side at hip height, keeping leg parallel to floor and foot flexed. Hold for 5 counts.
Return right leg back behind body, then repeat bringing leg out to side.
Do 5 reps, switch sides and repeat. Do 3 sets.
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