Back in my post-graduate days, the Gentlemanly Farmer was mainly sedentary. But once in a while, the fancy would overtake me, and I would gently make my way to the old post-graduate gymnasium to give exercise the old post-graduate try.
I quickly realised that I wasn’t much for serious exercising (I ended up proving the old theorem that lifting 4kg weights in front of human colossi is, in fact, rather emasculating), but enjoyed playing the odd game now and then.
Now, I wasn’t much for the odd game, but I could pick up a squash racquet and not embarrass myself too much. The trouble was that this was a nice big American gymnasium full of nice big American colossi, and not a lot of them played squash.
So I stood there at the courts, waiting for someone to appear, and lo (and perhaps even behold) someone did.
It was the Old Egyptian Doctor.