Saturday, December 28, 2013

A Glass of Wine?

Wine may feel like an indulgence, but there are plenty of legitimate health reasons to justify your vino habit (provided you drink it in moderation, of course). Here, seven reasons you should pour yourself a glass. Like, now.

It Promotes Heart Health
The phytochemicals in wine raise your good cholesterol, while its antioxidants protect the lining of the coronary arteries. One to two glasses of red a day is the optimal amount to help you see this effect.
It Prevents Noise-Induced Hearing Loss
Resveratrol, found in red wine, may help safeguard your hearing, according to a recent study. So go ahead, turn on your favorite tunes and relax with a glass.
It Protects Your Skin
Again, resveratrol is clutch. It helps neutralize free radicals, which can attack the skin when left unchecked. But pour yourself some wine—and buh-bye, skin damage.
It May Prevent Strokes
Consuming alcohol in moderation can help prevent blood clots, as well as the buildup of cholesterol in your arteries, which in turn decreases your stroke risk. So drink up!
It Helps Regulate Blood Sugar
Alcohol improves the body’s response to insulin, which regulates blood sugar. And when your blood sugar is under control, your body won’t store as much glucose as fat. Score!
It Can Help Men Produce Higher-Quality Sperm
Good news if you’re trying to conceive: New research reveals that drinking one to three times per week can decrease the odds of sperm abnormalities in men. Pair a glass with one of these 7 foods that boost libido, and your guy will really be good to go.
It Promotes a Healthy Mind
Moderate alcohol may help prevent cognitive decline since it promotes improved blood flow throughout your brain. Who knew?

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