Great leaders come in all shapes and sizes. But be honest: When you think of the term “CEO”, the image in your head probably resembles Alec Baldwin or Mitt Romney, not Mark Zuckerberg.
Unfair as it may be, research has shown over and over again that we’re all suckers for people who look the part. From hair color to height to posture, your appearance and bearing are at least as important as your business acumen when it comes to climbing atop the corporate ladder.
So what characteristics comprise our notion of the ideal chief executive?
1. Dark hair. Among 500 U.K.-based CEOs, 91 percent had brown or black hair—or a mane that was brown or black before it turned gray—according to a study from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. People tend to view blondes, both women and men, as incompetent, the study authors say. Meanwhile, redheads—just 1 percent of the British population—actually accounted for 4 percent of the CEOs and are viewed on equal terms with dark-haired people.
2. An honest mug. People with competent, trustworthy faces are more likely to be elected to leadership positions, according to a study from the University of Delaware. Their research piggybacks on another recent study from Tufts University that found those same facial traits are associated with the CEOs of the most successful Fortune 1000 companies. How can you look trustworthy and competent? Good eye contact is a start, experts say.
3. A philanthropic streak. American CEOs tend to give back through community involvement and volunteerism. They’re also more active in politics than their European counterparts, finds research from Austria. Success in the U.S. is often about “impression management”, explains study coauthor Irene Pollach, Ph.D. And Americans associate community involvement with leadership, the study suggests.
4. The right birthday. CEOs are more likely to be born in winter or spring, shows research from the University of British Columbia. It has to do with the way school students are grouped: People with winter or spring birthdays are typically old for their grade, and so tend to be more physically and cognitively developed than their classmates. Those advantages lead to more early success and confidence, which carries forward into adulthood.
5. Grown-up looks. CEOs who look “more mature” are paid 7.5 percent more than their baby-faced counterparts, finds a Duke University study. People tend to assume mature looks and competence go hand-in-hand, the researchers say.
6. A short, simple name. Monikers like Peter, Bob, or Bill are common among CEOs, according to an analysis from LinkedIn. Researchers say people view guys with shorter names as more accessible and approachable.
7. A broad face. Compared to narrow-faced men, those with wider visages were more likely to lead the most successful Fortune 500 companies, reveals research from the University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee. Higher testosterone has been associated with a wider face and with greater social dominance among men. And that dominance may partially explain the performance boost for wide-faced guys.
8. Above-average height. People associate physical size with leadership ability, and tall men are also more likely to seek out executive roles, finds a study from Texas Tech University. Vertically gifted guys are usually more confident, which may explain the height-power correlation.
9. The perfect age. Managers between the ages of 50 and 59 perform their jobs with the most passion, enthusiasm, and confidence, shows an Israeli study. Why? Men in their 50s have the most experience to draw from, the researchers say.
10. Good posture. Standing straight and assuming physically expansive poses—hands on your hips, head back, legs apart—are traits people associate with power and leadership, finds a study from Harvard Business School. Not only will people view you as more authoritative, but you feel more powerful when you stand wide and tall, according to the study authors.
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