Friday, June 20, 2014

Friday Blue

Blog, talks about crap.
I suggest reader to practice more squash at courts,
instead of watch me do craps stuff.
UNLESS...... you done your training, look for some craps... LOLX.

25secs video, it won't take much time, could some one really can do side hitting skill continuously for many hitsss??? I doubt that, I mean with squash rackets and squash ball.
(To tennis and golf player, side hitting skill is jz a piece of nut., why not.... SQUASH?)

Let's talk about today,
Hmmmmmm.... what blog for?
many years ago, many peoples ask for the same thing in blog. >> What blog for <<
but now, I was thinking, why blog?
(okay, lets do facebook.... nothing's wrong.)

I have a very wonderful rest day, friday. (only happened at east coast state of Malaysia)
and, no courts available on friday. (have a good rest!)


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