Thursday, August 29, 2013

Munch Your Cramps Away

What to Eat for an Easier Period

Are you plagued with period pain, fatigue, or other symptoms that turn you into a zombie for the week? Get relief by upgrading your diet. Here, experts share the foods that can boost energy, beat cramps, banish moodiness, and more.

Iron-Fortified Whole-Grain Cereal

Many women, especially those who consume very little meat or are vegetarians, don't get the iron they need. This saps their energy and makes it difficult for them to concentrate, says Karen Ansel, RD, an American Dietetic Association spokesperson. "For women with heavy periods, iron is even more important because they lose larger amounts with each monthly flow. Iron-fortified whole-grain cereal is an easy way to get your daily dose." Ansel recommends looking for a box that provides at least 25 percent of the daily value for iron, then chase it down with a glass of orange juice -- its vitamin C will help you absorb even more iron. At dinnertime, if you're craving iron-rich red meat, go ahead and have some, says Marissa Lippert, RD. Just stick to a lean cut (flank steak or tenderloin) and a 3- to 4-ounce portion.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Optimal Health

Is losing weight part of your goal for optimal health but you can't skip the caramel latte? 
Plan your workout accordingly. 

It takes 30 minutes of vigorous exercise to burn 300 calories.
I do 10 minutes a day so do you? 

Find out more Optimal Health.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

When Whole Grains Aren't Healthy

Three tips for how to be a smarter (and healthier) consumer

Think eating whole grains is always a healthy choice? Take a closer look at the nutrition label. Some products labeled with "whole grain" lingo aren't nearly as healthy as you think they are. In fact, products with the yellow Whole Grain Stamp—a symbol many look for to make healthy picks—are typically the least nutritious, found a recent Harvard School of Public Health study. After evaluating 545 whole grain products and tallying up their nutritional components, researchers found that products donning the label were higher in sugar and calories, and had a heftier price tag, than whole grain products without it.

By law, any product advertising itself as "whole grain" must have at least 51 percent whole grain by weight. However, the remaining 49 percent can include refined grains, and other not-so-good-for-you ingredients. While eating whole grains products, which are rich in fiber and vitamins, can help prevent heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity, refined grains can lead to the onset of the same conditions, making it vital to know how to distinguish the good from the bad.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Athletic Performance Boosting in 10 Seconds

Here’s something you can sink your teeth into:Chewing—whether it’s gum, sunflower seeds, or a mouth guard—improves your reaction time and alertness, and so could take your athletic performance to the next level, finds new research published in Brain and Cognition.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Black Canyon coffee

Stop by Jusco Bandar Botanic, cups of long black & flat white :_) makes happy day.

"A drink from Paradise, it's available on Earth" only coffee drinker got it?

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Toothpaste color codes

Pay attention when buying toothpaste, at the bottom of the toothpaste tube there is a color bar. And do you only know the original meaning of the color bar! Try to choose green and blue, there are four kinds:

Three different kind toothpaste at home.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Stemtech AFA Extract.

Due to my wrist injury, I was advised by friend MK to try Stemtech vegetable supplement. Well, I am not just took these capsules then do nothing.

I did workout like wrist lite-lifting, wrist massage, and physio check-up, it took months to recover.

Stemtech AFA Extract.

FOOD that strengthen your HEART!

Your heart will beat over 2.5 billion times if you live to 70. That’s a lot to ask of an organ just slightly larger than your own fist.

With obesity reaching near-epidemic proportions and companies still sneaking artery-clogging trans fats into our food, our hearts are in need of some major assistance. Yes, exercise helps—but just as important is eating the right foods. Start working these 5 best foods for a stronger heart into your diet and a longer, healthier life will be your reward.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Starbucks ulala card

Buy a top up card at Starbucks RM 150 to get this snake card and gift key chain :-)

Gift box. Read more to look inside :-)
Snake card.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Ramy Ashour pit-stop - Malaysia

Reaching late to Arena N.D. Bukit Jalil, buy a drink then a grips to fill my stomach, missed Ramy's exhibition match (watching)

It's good to see Ramy just right in front of us, unbelievable! He is world no.1!

Ramy Ashour

Daily morning task

I had started Nutrilite last month, it really improve my health by just taking these 2 products, doubleX & all plant protein, what I feel is really amazing during playsquash.

It doesn't boost energy but it does increase my stamina and always stay emotional focus.
Read more for my intake method, easy!

All plant protein. 450 grams.
DoubleX. 31 days intakes.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Headache day solved

A day a pain in my head, was trying to cure it by eating ice cream, smoothy, rootbeer, hundred+, ice tea.. Not totally heal but at least it helps a bit. At night, a cup of coffee solved everything.. I should do that earlier...

RM6.55 coffee + 1 doughnut (free) = Problem solved!

Morning jog busted

5:30 am jogging, saw a car wrapped by toilet paper. . dafuq?

Car owner gonna be very mad.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Dinner Sidamo coffee

City roast Ethiopia Sidamo coffee by syphon brew :-)

Red makes coffee taste good.

Washing machine repairman

This is cute old man (ah wai) who very expert in repair washing machine, service area around kajang, Sungai Long, Mahkota Cheras and kL.

Working professionally.

Day 27

Unlock it :D playsquash

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Hit&Run Chapter 2

Venue: Banang Golf & Country Club, Batu Pahat.
Buddies: Evangeline!
Floor: Medium Slippery.
Light: Okay.
Wall: Medium maintenance.

P/s: Tired trip from Skudai and Kulai, worth kicking these places.

A > JPO, NusaJaya / Kulai
B > PinguLand, Iskandar
C > Badtz-Maru, Iskandar
D > VegeHeadFriedCake, Batu Pahat
E > StickyFriedCake, Batu Pahat
F > Worth everything! =D

Thursday, August 08, 2013

Better Healthy Sleep

Are Nighttime Workouts Healthy?

Claire McKean has only been playing squash for 18 months, but is already signed up for overseas competition in New Zealand. Photo JoJo Newby / The Daily Examiner
Despite what you may have heard, going on a late-night jog won’t sabotage your shut-eye. People who exercise are between 56 percent to 67 percent more likely to say they typically get a good night’s sleep—regardless of what time a day they sweat it out, according to a new survey from the National Sleep Foundation. Just 39 percent of non-exercisers said the same.

Researchers polled 1,000 adults and asked them what their exercise routine was, as well as whether they typically experienced an uninterrupted night’s sleep. People were then divided into four exercise groups based on their responses: vigorous (running, cycling), moderate (yoga, weight lifting), light (walking), and non-exercisers. Although sleep lengths were similar across the board (about seven hours), 61 percent of the inactive exercisers said they rarely–if ever–slept well on work nights, and 24 percent of them said they had trouble falling asleep. Vigorous exercisers, on the other hand, were the least likely to report sleep issues. In fact, 72 percent reported never experiencing insomnia symptoms.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s physical activity guidelines suggest getting 150 minutes of vigorous exercise each week for health benefits, including improved sleep. But there’s no need to stress over the exact length and frequency of your workout routine—just keep moving. “Any sort of exercise is beneficial for sleep quality,” says Matthew Buman, PhD, a professor of exercise and wellness at Arizona State University .

Based on the poll results, the National Sleep Foundation has amended its recommendations to encourage exercise regardless of time.

Wednesday, August 07, 2013

Make Long Runs Easier

Whether you’re prepping for a marathon or a 10K, long runs will be part of your training routine. If you haven’t logged more than five miles before, distance runs can be incredibly intimidating—and incredibly rewarding.

“The runner’s high from accomplishing ‘your longest run so far’ can last weeks,” says Deena Kastor, an elite marathon runner who won the Kaiser Permanente Rock ‘n’ Roll Pasadena Half Marathon on February 17, finishing in 1:12:57. Whether you’re lacing up for your first 6-miler or gearing up for a 20-mile run, use these expert tips to make them as enjoyable as possible:

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Diet or Exercise?

You know you should exercise and eat healthfully to keep your weight in check. The thing is, research suggests that when people devote time to one healthy habit, they spend less time on the other. So which is more important if you’re worried about your waistline: your workout or your diet?

Turns out, people who think that diet is the most important factor in weight control tend to have a lower body mass index (BMI) than those who believe that exercise is the key, according to six new studies published in the journal Psychological Science.

Saturday, August 03, 2013

Coffee works!

Best Drink for Enhanced Performance: Coffee
Coffee (8 fl oz) :-
2 calories
0 g fat
0 g sugars

A 2008 study published in the International Journal of Sports Physiology & Performance found that during a 1-hour time trial, cyclists who took a caffeine supplement were able to ride about a mile farther than those who took a placebo. What's more, other scientific research has linked caffeine consumption with increased endurance and reaction times. The problem is, most caffeine-enhanced energy drinks are loaded with added sugars (what's the point of an exercise-boosting drink that makes you fat?). The Starbucks Doubleshot can below, for example, has more sugar than a Twix bar! A much more waistline-friendly way to reap the benefits of caffeine: black coffee. It's sugar-free, packed with antioxidants, and has a negligable 2 calories per cup.

Friday, August 02, 2013

Start Your Day Strong!

p/s: Topic is not relate to above picture =D Power you are strong!

If you tend to rush around in the morning—attempting to pick out your power outfit, eat breakfast, make lunch, pack your gym bag, and answer e-mails sent while you were sleeping, all before you step out the door—it’s no wonder you're frustrated by the time you reach the office. If you want to feel confident and perform well at work, it's time you had a streamlined morning routine.

"Routines are time-saving," says Julie Morgenstern, author of Never Check E-mail in the Morning. "When you don't have one, you lose time trying to figure out what do next, and you forget things." And if you start the day off negatively, chances are the rest of the day will follow suit.

Instead, make time at home proactive, Morgenstern says. "You're in charge, spending time on things that fuel you, energize you, and make you feel in control." Then you'll head into the office relaxed, focused, and ready to face the day. Just follow Morgenstern's steps to establish an efficient morning routine.

A Good night is sleep tight!

In an increasingly competitive sports world, athletes know hard work, proper nutrition and a good night’s sleep are the keys to performing at their peak and maintaining an edge over rivals. That’s why world-class squash player Andre Maur relies on the ground breaking performance technology of the 8ight wristband to augment his stringent training program.

“The 8ight band is the only sports performance band that backs up its claims through University tested double-blind placebo study that shows up an increase in endurance. “I like that it maximizes the body’s potential naturally,” notes Maur.

Additional benefits are an increase in recovery time, decrease in pain due to inflammation and an increase in stamina. “I find that it also helps me to focus while playing, “says Atlanta squash player and co-owner of 8ight.

This cutting-edge advancement in holographic technology in an easy to wear silicone bracelet can be used as a fast, effective, and 100% natural solution for athletes maximizing their athletic potential.

“I could not be more excited. This is truly an amazing product. It is easy to wear, drug free with no addiction and no side effects!” exclaims Hanchey.

P/s: Relies on band? or More fruits, stay hydrate, keep playsquash, train smart, and good sleep, do it no excuse =)

“A well-spent day brings happy sleep”
- Leonardo da Vinci.

Thursday, August 01, 2013

Hit&Run Chapter-1

Venue: Kelab Komuniti, CyberJaya .
Buddies: Evangeline, Michael, Afiq!
Floor: Slippery.
Light: Okay.
Wall: Bad maintenance.

P/s: Good play with buddies =D