Saturday, January 31, 2015

31/01/15 JANUA-TAIL


If I'm not mistaken, there is another boy name Joo / Joe.
All they are played very well, represent for at least state, and Jesse for National.
2015 January are awesome, fantastic.
6 days of coaching, it had not enough for me yet,
so January I hope it's 8 days coaching lesson at least.
See what's happen after Febua-tail result,..
so for now still,..

-cheers for JAN2015, it's AWESOME!-

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

28/01/15 TRAINING DAY 6

6th Day of trainings, and I snap this P.O.D. (PICTURE OF DAY)

Eng Seong, one of my squash buddies, he played very very well,
and now still, Man of Steel.
Well he give me many advice other than from view of coach,
very simple and straight towards my weak point,
makes me aware of my faulty footwork.
So he give me fitness advice of exercise to do in gym,
it gonna be my to do list for coming month training.

He ask, why I push so hard on training,
well, I said "just to improve my games."
again I think, from previous years,
I work, I play, and I never get serious.
So now, I want, really really want this gonna happen on me,
I wan become a good player, whichever can compete with pro.

so that's my destination.
and too, I want by end my life that day,
with "smells of squash spirit."
Coach Rasheed, train me to reach that kind of spirit!

-cheers, for P.S.-




It’s never easy to get your game going after a lengthy downtime.
So, it was not surprising to see world No. 1 Nicol David becoming the victim of a major upset after crashing out in the quarter-finals of the Tournament of Champions (TOC) in New York.

27/01/15 TRAINING DAY 5

Picture of Day - bleeding.

Another training day,
still, stupid games, play like a fool.
still, searching ways how to play smart ;-)
Red, a good sign,
need more training to improve,
yeah I need it.

-cheers for RED-

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


"Pix shows me with cap."

That was very stupid match I had,
not good enough to receive serving,
not prepare for receiving,
very bad footwork,
well done I have no longer a player,

Need to do more training,
the more I played,
felt not improve at all,
should I do more fitness at GYM?

Let's do it tonight.

- Cheers for DAY 4 -

Friday, January 23, 2015

23/01/15 OAT

pix of day,

Recently having problem of eating,
coughing, flu, gastric.... so shitty days.
well let's see what this OAT containing;..

1. gluten > a mixture of two proteins present in cereal grains, especially wheat, which is responsible for the elastic texture of dough.
2, sesame
3. milk derivative > milk protein derivative (from casein) that does not contain lactose.
4. soya derivative

processess with;..
5. penut
6. tree nuts

-Cheers for Nut, for OAT, for bites ;p

Monday, January 19, 2015

19/01/15 F&B so called Flash & Beast

Picture of day,

starter kit pre-s'pare bring to courts,
- clothe, check,
- pant, check,
- non marking shoes, check,
- racket, check,
- balls, check,
- socks, check,..

- Coachesssss!!! it's okay,
he got something ugent and will be back soon.
wait for tmr session.
so tonite just sparing with beast Ray,
.. my coach always play speedy games,
shall I call him flash?
L o L x

-cheers for FLASH & BEAST-
train harder to beat them off.
night peeps~
p/s: I hope you could join us for training whoever interested in ps,
and basically u must be currently live in or near Kota Bharu =)

Sunday, January 18, 2015

18/01/15 FEET - FIXED

Pix of day!

Just had few games with Micheal, and Jason today,
although quite a good move but I can felt muscles is calling,
which I should get fitter in order to last longer for the match.
As can see that, Shoes is fixed,
more good games are coming soon,
train harder before it's too late.

Like I said, I play until end of my life,
squash, never quit.

-Cheers for shoes, FIXED! -

Friday, January 16, 2015

16/01/15 Beng Hee's ain’t quitting

Squash veteran Ong Beng Hee is gradually winding down his playing career – but he has no plans to stop, yet.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

14/01/15 TRAINING - DAY 3

Pic's of day~

Today's training is tougher than usual,
due to my muscles haven't fully recover from last two days training,
but anyway, its owesome!
Once you feel it, don't quit,
unless we want to repeat all hells again lolx.

Rashid my current coach, friend of Muzzafar, and Adnan Gul,
All used to be my coaches,
previously it had cost me too much which I can't afford for the training,
and as well time issue!
now I would like to thank to AISA who give me good training,
So I appreciate it and will train harder while my body still keep going.

- Cheers, for AISA! for Rashid! -
**claps claps**

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

13/01/15 TRAINING - Day Two

pix of daaaaaaaay.

Just got this shoes like month ago,
so poor thing he just a boy,
side injury not joking, T h i s I s S e r i o u s.
Now.... what? repair? or new?
honestly I am loyalty person (what a joke)
so I will fix it at first (knew it, your pocket are empty now dude.)

Alright, back to my topic,
don't just talk about this poor shoes,
I will fix it anyway.

Today's training not bad,
warm-up practice,
games correction,
footwork training,
last simple shot and cool down motion.

still, not full fill coach expectation,
well, keep it up.

-cheers! for Day TwooooOO!-
goodnight peeps.

Monday, January 12, 2015

12/01/15 TRAINING - DAY 1

Pix of day!

Look at this lazy bump face,
very tired, coach are soooo freaking relax....
am actually 30 mins out of strength,
muscles can't push anymore even though mind are still working.
(Poooooor thing.)

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday....
4 straight days to go, 8pm on, no excuse.
(unless flood comes again.......please no please)

Finally, good coaching, peoples said strict coaches can produce good player,
to me I mean self-motivate player can produce great coaches.

- Cheers! for my day 1 training! -

Saturday, January 10, 2015

10/01/15 HARROW 145


weight 145, water drop frame shape design,
estimate tension 29,
reasonable price.
what am I waiting for?
(waiting salary........) xD

stressful day working,
when it comes to night,
I went o ESFC local private squash club,
chit chat with da boss,
look at this place full with squash ambiance,
just nice!

Training coming soon,
more blogs AISA kB, soon.

-cheers! for hello! (HARROW,.......)

Wednesday, January 07, 2015

07/01/15 DieHard

pix of day.

#DieHard, my squash group to ps at Kota Bharu,
all peeps busy around, same me neither,
I must at least sacrifice 30mins a day reserve for either workout, or ps.
this keeps me stay away from sickness,
really? yeah at least i hope =)
you guys should keep in this as well,
cycling or whatever, as long as your muscle working,.. two minutes and above,
two, is bettér than non.

okay, looking forward go back KL ps with squash buddies,
ofcz precious time reserve for my love one, Evangeline.
I miss you I hope you read this =).

-che.....ersss.., for what?-
>>>for DieHard do not Die.

Tuesday, January 06, 2015

05/01/15 hi dust!

pix of day.

Hi, no excuse as long as court is available and my hand is under recovering.
fingers having trouble grabbing grip,
anyway still can play so i do.
unless its serious so i wont =(
my town, kota bharu is having big trouble of after flood effect,
all dust coming out from dried mug,
everywhere you can see.
for health purpose, i need clothe covered,
to proceed ps.

-cheers, for dust attack.... shiet-

Sunday, January 04, 2015

04/01/15 Three Little Friends

Pix of day!

Always, easiest brew, my three friends.
Grinder, Pot, Dripper cup come with Filter and a Glass,
self-made wood from pallet box,
MMMMmmmmmm, so satisfied to fill this into my weekend regular.

I should add in Ps stuff with my three friends,
ok, next time.

-cheers peeps, for three friends of mine-

03/01/15 youngster generation

Pix of day-youngsters

Back in my time, i started with self training since 2007,
i was inspired by my senior Marcus, Anson, and Aaron.
My age was around 21, I had squash pump into my blood, it's faith i guess,
Day dreaming neither nightmare goes to same story, squash.
so age of 23, I try figure out how to improve, how to overcome, and what i can do.

so now i have seen youngster playsquash,
they have strength, they have spirit,
but no passion, nor patient.
play hard, with young heart,
hope they bring joy without loosing direction,
"strong, it's not forever", memories, it's yours forever.
your call.

-cheers, for youngster and future-

Friday, January 02, 2015

02/01/15 Day two - bottle

Pix of day!

Simple espresso, adding water drops from cube,
thats different doing cold brew,
wonder how it taste like =)
with cheap house blend arabica beans,
lets see result by month end.

-cheers for day two-

Thursday, January 01, 2015

01/01/15 new year, new hope.

Pix of day.

"The easiest, the happiest"
have keep myself a promise,
care for your love one,
live for the one you love,
and love everything you did.
i tell, because i wanted to know,
if i were wrong.
so what would you do?

our destination are the same,
only progression are different.
linkage of coffee, music, ps!
why these? it's joy!

take worse happens as lesson like polishing of useless stone,
one day when it's clean, u can see diamond,.. then help others. ;D

-cheers, for new hope-